Dont be fooled by the five-star ratings for this app. Notice that those five-star ratings were all written at the same time (Aug. 3 and Aug. 12) and with similar say-nothing wording. Obviously, someone is trying to counter the legitimate poor ratings for this app.
Its barely useable. Very difficult to get it set up, and then once it is, about half the time it wont show you someones location without an error message of some type or just outright crashing. It also appears to be designed to crash when it cant access the companys servers. Theres no error message, it just crashes. You can completely uninstall, reinstall, and start it again, and it crashes. It was only after I installed it fresh on another device that I realized the companys server was down and just crashing the app on purpose.
There is no real tech support. In fact, Im not even sure theres a real company. You can call them, but its a voicemail system. You cant really get through to anyone, not even the people who are listed as managers.
Theres a similar app in the store that isnt as ambitious as this app, and requires a web page to do the tracking of iPhones that have the app installed, but it seems to be stable. I suggest you try it first.
NOTE: Ive contacted Apple store management to point out the obvious rating manipulation being done on this app. Ive also contacted GTX themselves to lodge formal complaints about their product. I would be pleased to retract all this if they can prove me wrong.
iPad_For_REAL_Work about Tracking